Does the internet really need another cooking blog? Quite frankly, no. A baking blog? Nope, those are covered too. Cupcake blog? That's already been done, over and over again. The market is pretty saturated out there... but that's not the point. The point of this blog isn't to put the others to shame (which will obviously happen in due time, haha jk). The point is for me to continue to learn, track my progress, and share beauties like this... Hello, Lover.
So since I'm on this learning kick, I figure I'd take the opportunity to introduce myself so that you guys could learn a little bit about me. You know, the person behind the keyboard who clearly has too much time on her hands? (not necessarily because I blog, moreso because I spend hours icing individual cookies which are eaten in a flash) So, back to the topic at hand, who am I? I'll tell you what I know.
Name: Jenn
Age: 25 (going on 60)
Career: IT and Business Risk Consultant... aren't you jealous?
Background: American Canadian Asian (specifically of the Southern Chinese and Southeastern American variety... and yes, I am confused and yes, I love it... do the words 'melting pot' ring a bell?)
Current City: Alexandria, VA
I don't have too much else to add right now because the format which I chose to introduce myself just seems so... well... BORING. But I guess it gets the job done for now. I hope that doesn't reflect poorly on my blogging or baking skills. Blogging is new to me so I have no skills, but baking? Baking gets the creative juices flowing. Just wait and see... I'll show you!
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago