Hope you all had a great Father's Day weekend! Sadly I wasn't able to spend the day with my Pops since he lives down in Atlanta, but soon we will be reunited at one of our favorite places in the world, Hawaii!! The first time our family ventured to the islands was in 2006, the trip was to mark two things, first was my college graduation, and the second was to mark our last 'family vacation' being that both us girls were fully grown with real jobs. The first was true; however, I'm not sure that the staff of the Hilton would agree about the second. The weeklong vacation for my sister can be summed up in the following sentence: Sister tickles, I giggle uncontrollably, she lunges, I run like a little girl through the property screaming my head off as she sits in the corner laughing until her pants are wet. At one point my parents asked the front desk staff to guess our ages, they said 18 and 16... hmmmm. Not so much. Anyways, I'm sad sister isn't coming to Honolulu this year but I can't be anything but thankful that our family reunions continue to be in such a beautiful location. This is where I marked my graduation, this is where sister got engaged, this is where I studied for my CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) designation, and this year we will be meeting my Uncle Harold and his family from Canada for a wonderful time I am certain. Even better is that each year, I get the opportunity to take more pictures of this place that I love. Here are some of my favorites from last year... I can't wait to add to my collection in October. This post could have probably waited a few months until we were closer to the trip; however, everyone except for me seems to be planning, going, coming on/from vacation so I looked through some of my old pictures for a pick me up. Enjoy!!
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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