Before we start talking about those gorgeous pieces of chicken above, I would like to address an issue that I have with this blog... my last few recipe posts have included rice krispies, quiche, and leftover pizza. I know you are less than impressed. I have let myself down in the recipe department and I realize that rice krispies and baked chicken are nothing to get too excited about BUT I promise I will do better in the months to come. I will make more sweets for which this blog was named after, I will make recipes that require more than using up the last of your leftovers, and I will make recipes that require more than 2 ingredients; however, today isn't that day ... at least not yet.
I found a package of frozen drumsticks in the wee-back of my freezer a few weeks ago and since I'm moving in a few weeks (yes, that excuse is still valid) I wanted to find a way to use them up. A lot of my friends don't like 'dark meat', but in the Woo household, we fight for the dark meat on Thanksgiving. So when I read a recipe that only included 2 ingredients, no marinating time, and promised juicy flavorful chicken, I knew I had to try it. Because seriously, how can chicken (the blandest of bland meat) taste good with only two ingredients? I can happily report that it is not only is it possible for something to taste good with suuuper minimal ingredients, it even exceeded Joe's expectations! My boyfriend who loves highly spiced, extra hot, in-your-face flavors and has a strange dislike for chicken, ate an entire plate of plain baked chicken and really really liked it! This baked chicken recipe is perfect for topping a salad, stirring into pasta, or anything else that calls for a really good basic chicken. And did I mention that there are only 2 ingredients aside from the chicken?!?!
Baked Chicken Drums
1 package chicken drumsticks or thighs
1-2 tsp garlic powder
1-2 tsp soy sauce
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Wash and dry chicken drumsticks or thighs and place on a cookie sheet (I recommend covering your baking sheet with aluminum foil to help with clean up). Sprinkle each piece of chicken lightly with garlic powder and top with approximately half of a teaspoon of soy sauce. Bake for 45 minutes - 1 hour. Done!!
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